Friday, 29 March 2013


Went to Tesco with Mr.A gave me a new experience  Shopping with a guy, can gives you heart attack you know ! Hahaha.

Dia ajak I pergi Tesco sebab barang barang dia banyak yang dah habis and certain things dia lupa nak bawak balik KB. Haha. Think that my class will start at 6pm for tomorrow, should be no problem if I give a accompany :D

He picked me up at 830pm and tesco here we go ! Hahaha. Oh my. He drives too slow ! 30km/h rasa macam nak tumbuk dia. Ish. I yang pilih troley sebab I tak suka tolak troley yang ada problem. Entah apa2. Tapi kat dalam tesco tu, dia yang tolong tolakkan act. I tukang tengok je. Haha. Oh my macam mana bila I got married nanti. Jalan berdua macam ni should be fun ! Can't wait ! Hehehe.

Oh oh we fight a lots ! Dia nak ambil je barang tu tanpa tengok expired date -.- I yang kena ingatkan dia, check the packaging bla bla bla. Lepas tu yang kelakarnya, I pilihkan seluar tidur untuk dia. And and the shaver too ! Hahahahaha its funny I think. I choose the ice cream for him too and he complaint it tastes weird on the next day. Hahaha sorry :p Just know he loves to eat fruits so much :)

Had our late dinner at kfc. I rasa I banyak buli Mr.A lah. Dia pon macam redha je. Hahaha. We ate snack plate and I tak suka makan ayam bahagian isi. I suka bahagian peha. But we just got 1 peha je on his plate. I tahu dia suka bahagian peha jugak but he still give me his plate. Awww so adorable. Thank you. Talked about his family and he asked me to come to his house due to his brother's wedding. Sounds
interesting. Will consider that :)